At the time - November 2008, I think? - I had been reading Scott McCloud's books on comics, and the idea of a branching narrative sounded nifty enough to try out. With that idea in mind, I took the tail end of a roll of printmaking paper, broke out the ink and newly-acquired bowl nib, and started hashing this out. It's fraught with terrible drawing and lettering alike, and the use of rectangular panels near the curved edges fights against the piece's physical form oh-so-distractingly, but there are some moments that I still kinda' like. A few months after finishing it up, I submitted it into the 2009 Annual BFA Show at CSU East Bay, where it received favorable wall space near the gallery entrance. From what I remember hearing, it was generally well-received, too.

I've still got a few jumbo-sized pieces of that printmaking paper roll left over, but I haven't the foggiest idea of what to make with them. Any suggestions?