Does a month-long gap between updates count as being lazy? At any rate, here's some new stuff!

The sketch page above was made before the illustration for purposes of research. The illustration itself was made with India ink, watercolor, and gouache on cold press watercolor paper. I hadn't planned on using gouache, but a number of failed ink hatching forced me to experiment with ways to save the image from itself. Thankfully, it worked, or so I'd like to think.

This was my entry for the most recent ArtOrder challenge, which asked for a redesign of the Dungeons and Dragons Owlbear creature. When glancing over the brief, I only noticed the phrases "Owlbear," "not flipbooked," and the size specs of 5"x7", which was good to start with. Sadly, right as I was ready to send the entry e-mail off, I reread the description and discovered that what was specifically asked for was one adult male Owlbear, one adult female, and one infant. D'oh! The color technique I tried didn't quite work as intended, either. It's not eye-gougingly bad (I hope!), but it is a rather odd hybrid of two working methods - vectory and painterly - that doesn't
quite mesh.
Aside from these pieces, I've also been working on a graphic design job and putting pages together for my webcomic, which can be seen both at the comic's website (URL to be posted once the site has been thoroughly recoded) and in my
DeviantArt gallery. Keeping busy feels good, indeed!